
Orthotics Group Community


Meet Our In-House
Patient Liaison

Danielle Moore from Choice Orthotics & Prosthetics

Danielle Moore

At Choice O&P, we focus on providing unrivaled clinical expertise and workmanship at our world-class prosthetic facilities spread throughout East Tennessee. Our services extend beyond regular office visits and patient care. With compassionate care and in-depth knowledge, we offer specialized orthotic solutions and techniques designed to meet our patient’s goals.

While we pride ourselves on offering quality prosthetic and orthotic care, it is our commitment, unwavering support and passion that inspires confidence and encourages us to offer care of the highest quality.

The enrichment of our patient’s lives is the focus of our whole team at Choice, but that focus goes beyond mere words.  

Our patient liaison officer is here and ready to assist you get the comprehensive care you deserve. Our experienced patient liaison agents, orthotists and prosthetists are the reason why we are consistently ranked as the best prosthetic company in East Tennessee. 

Please reach out to our patient liaison agent for assistance today.

With more than 4 locations across East Tennessee, we have an extensive network that is locally owned and experienced. From our oldest prosthetics and orthotic patients’ to the youngest cranial helmet patients:

Meet Jen Hays, our patient liaison officer, at Restorative P&O.  Jen assists both providers and patients in attaining the best possible results for every patient she interacts with.

JTF provides children affected by limb loss with the prostheses they need throughout their growing years. Kids need to replace their prostheses every 18-24 months because they outgrow them just like clothes and shoes. We are committed to supporting our JTF Kids with the prostheses they need from the moment they join our family through the age of 18.

Today, almost 2 million Americans have experienced amputations or were born with limb difference. Another 28 million people in our country are at risk for amputation. The Amputee Coalition is the nation’s leading organization on limb loss, dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for amputees and their families, improving patient care and preventing limb loss.

Schedule Your FREE Consultation Today

Come experience our patient-first approach for yourself by scheduling your free first-time consult today 865-588-4256 for a clinic near you.


Check out Choice's
New Prosthetic Suite